Thursday, June 24, 2010

Blog #2

One of the main strengths I have as a writer is ,the fact that, once I get going, I keep going. I tend to start ranting with what i know on the topic, but it works. And if it is too sloppy i can go back and make it look cleaner with ease. Once I have the information down, making it look pretty is easy. I've also been good at making a good title for a paper. I make it relative to the paper, of course. But I don't make it too obvious on the what exactly it's all about.

Some weaknesses I have is getting started, not just getting the first paragraph down, but also getting me to start writing the paper. I have a problem with procrastination. I also have trouble making the cut on page length on occasion, so i have to go through the paper over and over and find what i can add more onto. Also I can easily get side tracked and it will be awhile for me to realize it, so i have to go back and delete everything that has nothing to do with the topic.

This essay was pretty simple for me to write, the only problem I had was that I realized i had a better example for the topic of communication barriers, since my uncle's family all are bilingual and speak German around us, but i am still being surrounded by the Polish language. If I had the chance to do the essay again I would definitely change the topic to my family, I would also pay more attention to grammar, since I made a few simple mistakes. Changing the entire topic it would be hard to keep things the same, other than the structure of the essay. I suppose I could also use the same formality and style.

I enjoy writing, as long as it's something I'm passionate about. Usually if the subject that I have to write on is very narrow and strict I won't enjoy writing it, but if the subject to write on is broad then I can write a lot more on it with a lot more ease. I like to write because I can throw my thoughts down into print and expand on the thoughts there and come up with an entire idea that makes a lot of sense to me.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Blog #1

Before i knew very little on specifically what rhetoric is. all i could refer to is from the term "Rhetorical Question," where you ask a question and do not expect an answer. What I learned about is that it Rhetoric allows a writer or speaker to expect what answer they can receive. This way they can sort of guide the audience to where they want them to go very effectively.
And when it came to genres, I am pretty sure i have a good understanding of it. There are various movie genres like horror, comedy, romance, and many others. With music there is punk, rock, metal, techno, and a lot more including many more. Basically a genre allows a piece to be grouped to other pieces that are similar, so you wont end up finding the Saw series in with Sesame Street. What I learned about genres is that what defines what genre it belongs to is for detailed than i expected, let it be the language used, the design of it, tone of it, and just so many other factors.
In my writing I will try my best to use rhetoric wisely so that my writing will have more of an effect on the reader and the flow of the piece will be a lot smoother. When it comes to genre I will make sure what I'm writing falls under exactly what I want it to so that there is no doubt that it is the genre i want it to be.
These concepts where fairly easy to grasp, the extent of how deep a genre would go was probably the hardest thing to grasp, because I thought what I thought about genres was just how it was, and with rhetoric I really had no previous knowledge so it was all new to me and didnt interfere with any ideas i had already about it.
These sections where pretty interesting, because all though i learned something new and i've always been interested in how i could write something differently or better, and this helped a bit. the read wasn't so easy, because it was just facts. In the beginning it was not so bad but then it was fact after fact and that doesn't excite me at all. Like i've mentioned before the reading was informative, I learned more about genres, more than i thought would be neccasary about genres in fact. and i have a good idea about what rhetoric means.

